Tuesday, October 7, 2008

so how late was he?

Today I went to Chicago State University to cover a dedication of the "Emil and Patricia Jones Convocational Center" at Chicago State University. It was a lovely event, and a gathering of the powerhouse Jones family with Emil's son, Emil III getting ready to take over dad's seat in Springfield, and a tribute to a man who spent most of his adult life in politics.

So, Blagojevich was there. A half-hour late. Which is early for him. This particular government official doesn't wear a watch, and regularly shows up late anywhere he is expected to be. I once waited upwards of two hours and 45 minutes for him to show his face at an expected appearance, and I am not kidding.

The bigger picture of this is that it reminds me how disrespectful it is, not to the news media in particular (though it is) but to people like Emil Jones, who was expecting to dedicate a building at 10AM that had his and his late wife Patricia's name on it.

I suffer my own shortcomings when I need to be on time. I recognize it, I admit and I am working on it. I have friends who are ALWAYS on time (Patti) and those who are NEVER on time (not mentioning!)

But I am working on it, and hanging around the guv certainly makes for a good reminder on how to lose friends and alienate people.

Get a watch.

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