Wednesday, November 5, 2008

yes we can. yes we did!

This is so incredible. I try to wrap my head around it. And in explaining to the girls this morning about the significance of a black president, I realized it truly is mind-boggling.


Now, after experiencing history, I hope and pray Obama demonstrates the knowledge, intelligence and good judgment to lead this country for all of us in the direction it needs to go.

I feel hopeful, for the first time in a long time about the state of our nation.

Now for the humor...

I had lunch with Michelle Obama when Barack was running for senator. Deb Pickett was doing her "Sunday Lunch with..." column and I went along with her to a restaurant in Hyde Park. Michelle was awesome. Smart, beautiful, funny and in so many ways, the kind of person I would want to be friends with if given the chance.

For lunch, I ordered chicken breast on the bone. It was delivered to the table, and as I stuck a fork in it and went to cut the meat off the bone, the piece of chicken flew across the table. I was totally mortified and apologized immediately. Michelle leaned over and said, "That's why I never order anything with a bone in it."

We all laughed and lunch went on. She was as delightful as she was smart, and I know she will make an excellent First Lady.

Enjoy this week, and the gift of beautiful weather.
Enjoy also this moment in history.

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