Saturday, July 4, 2009

independence day.

It's either the ultimate adventure, or the ultimate in bad judgment.

So far, so good.

A slow ride through the Illinois/Wisconsin border, competing with thousands heading to the dells, along the boring four-lane highway known as I90. I am glad I hardly ever have to drive it. It kinda sucks.

Good mileage for the Prius, though, which is what I tell myself every time I get stuck in traffic.

The girls were model passengers, and I only had to threaten twice to pull over. I told them before we left that the moment there was any sign of fighting, we would pull over until it stopped.

Very mom of me, but it worked wonders.

Today, the trip is two hours shorter. It's pretty up here in Eau Claire, WI. So many thick, green trees. It's almost unreal.

I have a mixture of emotions. Excitement, joy, nervousness, and a touch of weird, but not unexpected sadness for what used to be, as I firmly establish my place in this life.

The single mom and her two daughters travel to a family resort in Minnesota, knowing no one but each other.

Happy Independence Day.

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