Sunday, September 14, 2008

it's my name, don't wear it out.

I talked with Michele and mom at my cousin's lia sophia party Friday night. They were writing out checks for their purchases, and asked to whom the check should be written to. Michele commented on how weird it was to write Jean Lachat again.

I told her that's my name. I like it and it suits me very well. I am glad to have it back.

Then, I worked the baby expo all day yesterday, promoting my photography biz. It went great! There were tons of families interested in what I am offering, and I will follow up with them this week to try and book myself silly.

This morning as I got ready to take a shower, I started thinking about the booth, and why exactly I enjoyed it so much.

This is my new baby, my very own business, and my name is splashed across every facet. I am personally invested, and I am responsible for its ultimate success or failure.

Knowing that failure with me is never an option, I like the fact that me, myself and I am responsible.

I don't like counting on other people. And that spreads across every facet of my life.

Granted I do depend so much on so many people in my personal life. And that bridge is amazing and strong and never lets me down. And the friends I have have lent their support, unconditionally, to this new gig in various and continuous ways.

But, the fact that I am driving the bus (as we say at the paper) is a powerful responsibility and I like it!

Jean Lachat has a nice ring to it. I think she will do great.

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