Sunday, September 7, 2008

vroom. vroom.

I've revved it up a notch in my professional career today.
Once again, I was treated to a brand new experience which I would have never had the opportunity to have were it not for my career choice.

That can be both a good and a bad thing.

I spent today at the Joliet Speedway, embedded with the Luczo-Dragon Racing team! YEAH, baby!

To say I am not a racing fan is an understatement. In addition, I know nothing about the "sport," nor do I respect people who regularly and willingly drive over 200 mph around a cement track surrounded by other cars. I don't get it, and I don't want to get it. It's much easier just to sit back and make fun of it, which I regularly do.

So, by luck of scheduling I get this assignment. And it wasn't bad. And now I've done it, and I hope to never have to do it again.

However, I always do feel lucky to be thrust into new experiences, even the unwanted ones. It builds character!

Here are the five most interesting things I learned today:

1. Car racing is very, very LOUD. Even by my standards.
2. The tires on race cars have no treads. Unless it rains. Then they put on treaded rain tires.
3. Indy race cars cost upwards of a million bucks each. When they crash, it's a million dollar crash. That's a big bummer for the owner.
4. All girlfriends of Indy race car drivers, owners and high level crew members look exactly alike. They are rail-thin, with straight long hair, usually blond, and they wear tank tops with tight black pants and aviator-style sunglasses.
5. Nascar racing is vastly different from the Euro-style Indy racing. And the cars aren't as cool.

Embrace new experiences. My photos will be in next Sunday Sun-Times.

God willing.

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