Wednesday, June 17, 2009

blues, blues, blues... greens, reds, yellow, oranges.

Thought I couldn't shake them blues lately.

Nothing in particular, just a few of those days when nothing seems quite right.

I spent a weird lil' day off gathering materials for a bankruptcy attorney and my divorce attorney. Have to meet with both to straighten out what I can, and continue the forward path in my life. Much like my divorce, I am facing a situation that really sucks getting through it, but you just know there are better days waiting on the other side.

I am going to give up on the house. Wave the white flag. Start over. Definitely not in the way I had hoped it would have gone, but circumstances sometimes spin out of my control, and take on a life of their own.

My friends are absolutely the best. I know that whenever I feel kinda crappy, I just need to sit down to a beer with them, and I feel so much better. It does wonders for juggling your perception and knowing everything is going to be just fine.

I have been reading Psalms the past week or so. I have learned so much, and again, miraculously at a time when I really need it:

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

"How awesome is the Lord Most High." Psalm 47:2

" God I trust, I will not be afraid." Psalm 56:4

Now, if only these mantras can fill my head and my heart.

I will see in rainbows again. Soon.


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