Wednesday, August 26, 2009


The girls started school yesterday. They each caught their respective bus and headed off to their respective school.

We had a great summer together. It's funny how the not-as-good memories fade to the background in favor of all the good stuff you experienced.

Selective memory keeps you from losing your mind.

My older one tried to leave for fifth grade with eye shadow on. I promptly put a stop to that. She's going to have a tough battle with a mom who rarely wears eye makeup.

I told her, "unacceptable," and sent her upstairs to wash her face.

Next year is junior high. It might be a little tougher then.

I had mixed feelings dropping them off. Part of me is relieved, since we did face a few issues with day care this summer. Part of me is totally excited because the start of school has always been my favorite time of the year.

But then, there is the terrifying thought of them getting older. And facing things like the make-up. And having to do it these things on my own, with no back-up.

Will I survive the teenage years? They aren't even there yet.

I read a chapter of Romans this morning:

"We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." And hope does not disappoint us." 5:3

Here is the version I came up with:

suffering = perseverance = character = hope.

Hope = gift.