Sunday, December 20, 2009

comfort and joy.

I love this time of the year. I love it more than I ever have because I feel like I finally get it. Or I am at least "getting" it.

Christmas is so much more than I ever knew. The depth of God's love and sacrifice has never been so clear to me as it is right now.

Is it because I am paying attention? Calming life down a few notches to look around, take in and enjoy? Taking time to listen, to hear and to understand?

All of the above.

Priorities are funny things. They can seem to re-arrange themselves in my life purely on their own, when in reality I am choosing my priorities every single day. Consciously or not.

Yep. I am finally getting it.

This season, my priority has been to truly understand the meaning of Christmas, and share it with people I love.

When the love is returned, it feels like I comes back to me ten-fold.

Whether it is Gabi dancing in the kitchen with Jim and Jack. Or the look on Don's face when he opens up his gift. Or hearing laughter coming from the basement as my daughters enjoy their friends.

In those moments, I feel loved.

And yes. I get it.

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