Monday, April 12, 2010

me n' betty.

I walk into an Oak Lawn steakhouse last week, where I met up with Michael Sneed, one of my all-time favorite reporters, who was sitting down with Betty Loren-Maltese at a high wooden booth.

Yep. That Betty.

Betty looks at me, smiles, and says, "You look familiar. Have I met you before?

"Were you in prison?"

We both start laughing... not nervous giggles, but big genuine laughter and I am immediately at ease.

I tell her I didn't meet her in prison, but I did chase her down at the courthouse a few times.

For the next hour and a half, I sit as Mike asks questions, Betty answers, and I listen. And laugh. A lot.

Along with being a convicted felon and a former Federal prisoner, she is a real person. Her stories are sincere, highly entertaining and give a real look into what life's been like for the past eight years.

You can read Mike's stories here.

She does a much better job than I ever could at providing insight into this complex public figure.

I don't live in Cicero, and never have. All I knew of Betty is what I have read.

But I now know she has pretty much experienced a hell that she may or may not have deserved. She's a devoted mom, and has a wonderful sense of humor.

She's real, like it or not.

She looks good, and like many other women I know, she's trying to put her life back together to resemble "normal."

The interview was fascinating. During it, I tried to capture her personality in the few minutes of shooting I was able to have. I think it worked.

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